Beschäftegungs Initiativ Réimecher Kanton
The B.I.R.K. is a non-profit organisation, which aims to improve the living environment of the citizens of the canton of Remich.
President of the Commune of Schengen:
Willems-Kirsch Annette
Beschäftegungs Initiativ Réimecher Kanton
The B.I.R.K. is a non-profit organisation, which aims to improve the living environment of the citizens of the canton of Remich.
President of the Commune of Schengen:
Willems-Kirsch Annette
Association of Municipalities for the Construction, Operation and Maintenance of the South East Water Main
Delegates of the Municipality of Schengen:
MULLER Jean-Paul
HIRTT Pierre
Syndicat intercommunal pour l’assainissement du bassin hydrographique de la Syre
Die Biologische Station- Naturzenter SIAS ist für den Schutz von Natur und Landschaft zuständig.
Délégué de la Commune de Schengen :
Willems-Kirsch Annette
Inter-communal Association for Wastewater Treatment in the East
Delegates of the Municipality of Schengen:
MULLER Jean-Paul
Inter-communal Association for creation, development, promotion and operation of a regional economic activity zone in the canton of Remich
Delegates of the Municipality of Schengen:
MULLER Jean-Paul
Inter-communal Association for construction and operation of a crematorium
Delegates of the Municipality of Schengen:
Inter-communal Association for management of bulky and similar household waste from the municipalities of Grevenmacher, Remich and Echternach regions.
Delegate of the Municipality of Schengen:
MULLER Jean-Paul
Association of Luxembourg Cities and Municipalities
Regional Delegate of the Canton of Remich:
OBERHAG Louis (Mayor of Waldbredimus)
Inter-communal Association for IT management
Delegate of the Municipality of Schengen:
WILMES Raphael