The Board of Mayor and Aldermen consists of the Mayor and two Aldermen who are the representatives of the Government in the municipality. The meetings of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen are chaired by the Mayor and are held in private – in the presence of the Municipal Secretary.
The Board of Mayor and Aldermen

Gloden, Michel, Mayor
- Delegate to the Syndicat pour la construction, l’exploitation et l’entretien de la conduite d’eau du sud-est (SESE) (Association for the construction, operation and maintenance of the south-east water pipeline)
- Delegate to the Syndicat pour la création, l’aménagement, la promotion et l’exploitation d’une zone d’activités économiques à caractère régional dans le canton Remich (SIAER) (Association for the creation, development, promotion and operation of a regional business park in the Remich district)
- Delegate to the Syndicat intercommunal à vocation multiple (SIAS)
- Delegate to the Centre européen Schengen ASBL
- Delegate to the ORT Moselle Luxembourg Region
- Delegate Copil Guttland Musel
- Delegate Valentiny Foundation
- Representative on the Board of Directors Fondation Possenhaus
- Plate-Forme Maison Relais pour enfants representative

Weber Tom, 1st Alderman
- Delegate to the Syndicat pour la construction, l’exploitation et l’entretien de la conduite d’eau du sud-est (SESE) (Association for the construction, operation and maintenance of the south-east water main)
- Delegate to the Syndicat ayant pour objet la construction, l’entretien et l’exploitation d’un crématoire sur base intercommunale (S.I.C.E.C) (Syndicate for the construction, maintenance and operation of a crematorium on an intermunicipal basis)
- Delegate to the Syndicat pour l’organisation et la gestion d’un centre informatique (SIGI) (Association for the organisation and management of an IT centre)

Muller Jean-Paul, Alderman
- Delegate to the Syndicat pour la construction, l’exploitation et l’entretien de la conduite d’eau du sud-est (SESE) (Association for the construction, operation and maintenance of the south-east water main)
- Delegate to the Syndicat pour la création, l’aménagement, la promotion et l’exploitation d’une zone d’activités économiques à caractère régional dans le canton Remich (SIAER) (Association for the creation, development, promotion and operation of a regional business park in the Remich district)
- Delegate to the Syndicat de dépollution des eaux résiduaires de l’est (SIDEST) (Association for the depollution of waste water in the east of France)
- Delegate to the Syndicat Intercommunal pour la gestion des déchets ménagers, encombrants et assimilés en provenance des communes de la région de Grevenmacher, Remich et Echternach (SIGRE) (Inter-municipal association for the management of household, bulky and similar waste from the communes of the Grevenmacher, Remich and Echternach region)
Apart from the powers conferred on it by other legal provisions, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen is responsible for:
- enforcing the laws, regulations and Grand-Ducal and Ministerial decrees, to the extent that they do not concern the publication and execution of the resolutions of the municipal council;
- investigating matters to be submitted to the municipal council and drawing up the agenda for the local council meetings;
- administering municipal establishments and supervising public establishments for which the municipality is responsible;
- supervising municipal services
- directing public works
- administering property belonging to the municipality and preserving its rights;
- supervising municipal officials, salaried employees and manual workers;
- monitoring regular composition of the church councils;
- special supervision of public hospitals and social welfare offices;
- preservation of archives, titles and civil status registers.