History of the merger of the three communes of Burmerange, Schengen and Wellenstein into the new commune of Schengen.
The merger of the three communes of Burmerange, Schengen and Wellenstein is based firstly on a national political willingness to create larger communes and thus also more efficient in terms of their missions assigned by law, as well as the increasing expectations of the citizens, and also due to the willingness and the need for a more intense collaboration of the three communes in certain areas, in particular for the execution and management of large-scale projects.
Below please find a chronological overview of the important milestones of the merger.
- Government statement – territorial reorganisation:
“The Government will take the necessary steps to provide the country with a public service and regional administrative organisation that meet the challenges of the 21st century:
– Establishment of a task force to develop the concept;
– Definition of the critical mass to guarantee competent and efficient administrative, technical and social services in a community;
– Encouragement of mergers of communes and supervision by the Government…”
- Presentation of the “Integrative concept for a territorial and administrative reform of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg” by the Ministry of the Interior and Spatial Planning (MIAT);
- Establishment of the Special Parliamentary Committee “Territorial Reorganization of Luxembourg”
- First meetings of the aldermen of the 3 communes of Burmerange, Schengen and Wellenstein, in view of a more intense cooperation or a merger;
- Creation of the Inter-communal association “am Haff” by the communes of Burmerange, Schengen and Wellenstein including the establishment and operation of childcare facilities (Nurseries, drop-in centres (maisons relais), canteens and youth centres);
Grand-Ducal decree of March 27, 2006 amended by Grand-Ducal decree of May 29, 2006 authorizing the creation of the Inter-communal association of “Am Haff” (Publication of June 22, 2006 in Memorial B No. 46 with statutes).
2007 – 08
- Various standpoints of the Government, different political parties and SYVICOL on the subject of territorial reorganization.
- February: Establishment of the MIAT-SYVICOL task force to identify communal clusters;
- April – May: Decision of the respective local councils to set up a task force for Inter-communal cooperation between the communes of Burmerange, Schengen and Wellenstein; (8 April: Schengen, 21 April: Wellenstein, 7 May: Burmerange)
- June: Presentation of the final report of the Special Parliamentary Committee “Territorial Reorganization of Luxembourg” under the chairmanship of Mr. Michel Wolter
- November:
Government Council – Agreement of principle for the territorial reorganization project.
- January: MIAT publishes the draft of the new cartography;
- March: MIAT launches the consultation procedure with the communes concerning the new cartography;
- April – May: Favourable opinion of the respective communal councils regarding the new cartography; (20 April: Schengen; 6 May: Burmerange; 11 May: Wellenstein)
- December: Approval of the agreement on the “Studie zur Interkommunalen Kooperation und zum Gemeindeverbund Burmerange/Schengen/Wellenstein im Kanton Remich, Großherzogtum Luxemburg“, in the Canton of Remich, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg” between the communes of Burmerange, Schengen, Wellenstein, the Ministry of the Interior and the Greater Region, the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure and the Institute of RWTH Aachen.
- January: Declaration of intent for the merger of the 3 communes by the respective communal councils;
( Schengen; Burmerange; 27 January: Wellenstein) - June: Decision of the respective communal councils to submit the proposed merger to a referendum; (1 June: Wellenstein; 3 June: Burmerange; 8 June: Schengen)
- September: Information sessions in the three communes about the merger – Wellenstein Presentation; Distribution of an informative newsletter about the merger – including a summary of the study by Prof. Wachten;
- 6 October: Information session on the proposed merger in Remerschen organized by the three communes. The Minister of the Interior attended the meeting to explain the benefits of a merger and to affirm the support of the Government;
- 10 October: Communal referendum on the merger of the three communes – Results
- December: Based on the favourable result of the referendum, the communal councils of the communes of Burmerange, Schengen and Wellenstein pronounced themselves definitively in favour of the merger of the three local authorities by agreeing on the draft agreement between the three communes and the Luxembourg Government; (16 December: Burmerange; 21 December: Schengen and Wellenstein.
- January: Drafting of the bill for the merger of the 3 communes of Burmerange, Schengen and Wellenstein.
- 9 February: Submission of the draft bill PL6246 to merge the communes of Burmerange, Schengen and Wellenstein
- 22 March: State Council’s opinion on PL6246
- May: Distribution of the 1st newsletter “InFusion1” – the key components of the merger;
- 10 May: The Chamber of Deputies voted the bill to merge the communes of Burmerange, Schengen and Wellenstein – Report of the deputy Raymond Weydert;
- 24 May: Promulgation of the law by the Head of State, Grand Duke Henri;
- 30 May: Publication of the law in the Memorial A – No. 110;
- July: Distribution of the 2nd newsletter “InFusion2” – including information on the electoral process;
- 9 October: First communal elections for the new commune of Schengen with the sections of Burmerange, Schengen and Wellenstein – Results;
- 23 November: The local council of the commune of Schengen takes office following the appointment and oath of office of the mayor and aldermen and following the oath of office of the majority of the councillors (article 14 of the law of 24 May 2011) – Protocol
23 November 2011
Entry into force of the law of 24 May 2011 on the merger of the communes of Burmerange, Schengen and Wellenstein – The merger takes effect.
(according to article 12 of the above-mentioned law)