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Dear citizen,

Do you have any issues that are important to you? Do you want to initiate change and make your voice heard? Your opinion counts in the next municipal elections on 11 June 2023.

If you are not on the electoral lists, you can register at our administration office of your municipality or online at You can be part of an active and committed society: young and older people, newcomers and locals, non-Luxembourgers and Luxembourgers. The new electoral law allows all non-Luxembourg residents to register upon their arrival in Luxembourg!

By taking part in the municipal elections, you are stand up for yourself, your family and the living together of all citizens of the municipality.

If you are already registered, then share your experience with other non-luxembourgish residents and make them aware of the subject and importance of political participation.

You decide the future of your municipality. See you on 11 June 2023!

More information about registration for non-Luxembourgers and the general elections is available at

The municipal council


Here you can register
on the electoral lists:

Each municipality has a municipal council made up of the mayor, deputy mayors and municipal councillors. Every six years the municipality’s residents elect them directly

During elections, I can initiate change. I make my voice heard on issues that are important to me.

My voice counts, because elections aredecided by the people who vote. If I don’t vote, others will decide for me.

Young and older people, newcomers and locals, non-Luxembourgers and Luxembourgers live in my municipality. With my vote, I stand up for myself, my relatives and the living together of all citizens in my community.

How do I register to vote?

  • I am 18 years old on election day (11 June 2023)
  • *New* I can register on the electoral roll as soon as I arrive in my commune
  • I go to the population office of my commune at any time, but at the latest 55 days before the date of the communal elections (17 April 2023)
  • I present my identity card or passport to the official at the population office
  • I fill in the declarations provided by the commune (specifying nationality, place and date of birth, etc.). By registering on the electoral roll, I commit myself to participating in the elections
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